Statement on Forest Lake Country Club
Bloomfield Trustee Michael Schostak Statement on
Proposed Sale of Forest Lake Country Club
Opposes 93 Home Development on Club Site
Calls on Club Board and Membership to Come Together, Find Amicable Resolution
September 24, 2020 – Bloomfield Township, Mich. Today Bloomfield Township Trustee Michael Schostak issued the following statement on the proposed sale of Forest Lake Country Club expected to be voted on by its membership on September 29, 2020:
“We in southeast Michigan and Bloomfield Township in particular, are blessed with many wonderful private country clubs that are sustained by their memberships. It therefore follows that the economics of such clubs can be challenging in these times, exacerbated by the COVID-19 public health crisis. That said, the membership of each club ought to have the right to decide their own path forward, be it pulling up stakes and closing or investing for the future. That is not a question government should have a say in. The question of what happens to the significant acreage of land once occupied by the club becomes a question for the community, and for the elected officials entrusted with its leadership.
“In the case of Forest Lake there is an offer to acquire the land and develop it into almost 100 new houses. No formal plan has been presented to the Township Trustees for consideration so I cannot speak to any specifics. That said, any plan put forward must face strict scrutiny to confirm its adherence to our township zoning and planning ordinances and be given the proper public hearings to determine its conformance with the surrounding neighborhoods.
“However, I am concerned with the environmental impacts such a transition would have. Many species of wildlife call the grounds of the club home, not to mention important wetlands that affect the surrounding areas including the Long Lakes and the Johnson Nature Center. I worked very hard to protect the Nature Center from a developer’s encroachment in 2017 and feel strongly about protecting this community jewel.
“I also believe that as a community we should be encouraging land use that allows for more green space and as such I am not in favor of any housing plan that would fit such a large number of new homes into a tightly constrained area.
“We are a developed community and have an aging housing stock. I welcome any home developers that want to take part in revitalizing our housing stock across the township through renovations or rebuilds. I do not think adding almost a hundred new homes in short order in one densely packed location is the right way to enhance our community. I am also concerned about the resulting impact to surrounding home values.
“I sincerely hope the board and membership of Forest Lake Country Club can achieve an amicable resolution that strengthens the club and ensures its vibrancy for generations. There are several exemplars of local clubs that have undergone ownership changes and/or extensive renovations that are now thriving. Should the decision be made to pull up stakes and sell, I encourage any buyer looking to change the use of the land to open a dialogue with the Township Trustees early so that the community can have a seat at the table as the plan is set in motion.”